Hello from Latvia. We apologize for our delay, because we had a lot of work in our educational institution. It is not very cold, despite the fact that a lot of snow fell. And as always, the snow is not removed. Walk through the forest is very difficult, especially in the morning, when there is trail in the snow. But Christmas and New Year i coming and it is full of positive emotions. All the festive mood and all the streets are decorated. We also have Christmas tree in city center, in my opinion is better and more environmentally friendly would be to use artificial tree.
In our institution began the winter holidays, which will continue until January 3rd, joy! I hope that the weather will be great for that period of time. I would like to ride in our skis. But it is our benefit that there is lot of snow because i would like to ride skis.
Work on material for Poland is already underway and before the end of the year will try to finish everything. After all, the work should be done as soon as possible, then to relax and not worry.
P.S. Here is our video we did for Romania. Work on it we all really enjoyed it. For us it was the first experience of the film. Of course, not everything turned out as hoped, but the result satisfied us.